Friday, May 14, 2010

1 of the reasons I have been so busy...


waltkalima, originally uploaded by nick fabini.

Kali ma!!!!! I miss this guy.

hot rod chelsea...

hotrodchelsea, originally uploaded by nick fabini.

I don't do tattoos like this that often, but this was really fun to draw and tattoo.

jason's butterfly...

jasonbutterflythroat, originally uploaded by nick fabini.

This was a fun little tattoo I did at the fort wayne convention. Did not do the lip prints.

andy's cardinal chest piece...

andycardinal, originally uploaded by nick fabini.

simple pirate pin up...

tonnipiratepinup, originally uploaded by nick fabini.

did this today. made it simple.

tommy's phonograph...

tommyphonograph, originally uploaded by nick fabini.

bad photo as always. sorry.

tiger lily dove...

lilydovehealed, originally uploaded by nick fabini.

all healed up.

shading started on rock of ages...

chadrockofages, originally uploaded by nick fabini.

raven and skull...

chadbevskullraven, originally uploaded by nick fabini.

Chad's healed foot.

carlos's old tattoo...

carlosoldtattoo, originally uploaded by nick fabini.

I did this tattoo about 4 or more years ago and finally got a picture of it. it was a fun tattoo.


Yes, things have been really busy at the shop and on the home front. I have put my blog on the back burner for awhile now.

hope you enjoy.

The whole blocks power went out when a power line caught fire. Kenny was a few lines into a tattoo, so he hocked up his machines to the battier on Matt's Honda and finished the lines.
So rad!

Parking out back.